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Projekti "BALKANET - Rrjeti Ballkanik i Ideave për Inovacionin e Qëndrueshëm në Sektorin e Agro-Ushqimit" zbatohet bashkërisht nga gjashtë partnerë nga tre vende të rajonit Ballkanik-Mesdhetar (Greqi, Shqipëri, Bullgari) duke u fokusuar në përmirësimin e potencialit inovativ të ndërmarrjeve të vogla dhe sektori i mesëm agro-ushqimor.

Lajmet e fundit

e mërkurë 15 Jan 2020
Geographical Indications for food, wine and spirit drinks now available on new public database
The European Commision has set up an online register- eAmbrosia, which collects all denominations protected by geographical indications, PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), PGI (Protected Georgraphical Indication), as well as Trademark Guaranteed Traditional Specialties. The products inside were previously included in three different register: e-Spirit-Drinks,...
e martë 14 Jan 2020
Pesticides: Commission bans a neonicotinoid from EU market
Today, the European Commission decided not to renew the approval of a neonicotinoid called thiacloprid, following scientific advice by EFSA (the European Food Safety Authority) that the substance presents health and environmental concerns. This is the 4th neonicotinoid, out of 5 that were approved earlier for use in...
e hënë 13 Jan 2020
Agroinnovations: A mobile app which helps apple growers around the world
  Commercial orchards are often a patchwork quilt – blocks with different cultivars, planted in different years. Varieties have different schedules with various bloom times and harvest times. A disorganized grower risks getting lost in all of those details. MapMyApple, a smartphone application that’s new in...
e enjte 09 Jan 2020
International agricultural exhibition"AGRA 2020" Plovdiv
The 29th International agricultural exhibition “Agra 2020” will take place between February 19th and 23rd. It will be held on the grounds of the International Fair- Plovdiv. The exhibition has established itself as the largest agricultural business event in Southeastern Europe. It attracts leading...
e martë 17 Dhj 2019
A farming business with a social mission
Small farms dominate agriculture in Greece, with over half of the country’s 650,000 farming businesses cultivating plots of land of under 2 hectares in area. One of them – Agrifarm – was founded in 2014 by Dimitris Gremyloyiannis, who thought that cooperation between farmers...
e mërkurë 11 Dhj 2019
When are the SAPS funds going to be paid out?
     During the NAA (National Agriculture Agency) 2019 IX forum, Vasil Grudev stated that the SAPS financing of nearly 640 million leva can be expected by December 17th . The appliance forms for the 2019 accepted layers can already be handed in. Disputes...
e martë 05 Nën 2019
Το Επιμελητήριο Ηλείας συμμετείχε με επιτυχία στην Έκθεση «ALBANIAN BALKANET FESTIVAL» η οποία διεξήχθη το διάστημα 30-31 Οκτωβρίου 2019 στα Τίρανα Αλβανίας, στον Εκθεσιακό χώρο του Αγροτικού Πανεπιστημίου Τιράνων, σε συνεργασία με το Εμπορικό και Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο Τιράνων. Η εν λόγω έκθεση αποτέλεσε το δεύτερο,...
e mërkurë 30 Tet 2019
ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Επιχειρηματικότητα είναι η προσπάθεια μετατροπής μιας πρωτοβουλίας σε αποτέλεσμα και από αυτή τη διαδικασία να προκύπτει συγκεκριμένο και αυξανόμενο οικονομικό όφελος.  Είναι η διαδικασία μέσα από την οποία μια ιδέα περνά μέσα από στάδια υλοποίησης και εφαρμόζεται με σκοπό την απόδοση υπεραξίας της προσπάθειας και...
e mërkurë 30 Tet 2019
ΕΠΙΜΕΛΗΤΗΡΙΟ ΗΛΕΙΑΣ – ΣΥΜΜΕΤΟΧΗ ΣΕ ΕΚΘΕΣΗ ΣΤΑ ΤΙΡΑΝΑ   Το Επιμελητήριο Ηλείας θα συμμετάσχει με περίπτερο στην Έκθεση «ALBANIAN BALKANET FESTIVAL» που θα διεξαχθεί στα Τίρανα στις 30-31 Οκτωβρίου 2019 στον Εκθεσιακό χώρο του Αγροτικού Πανεπιστημίου Τιράνων σε συνεργασία με το Εμπορικό και Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο Τιράνων. Η συμμετοχή του...
e martë 22 Tet 2019
ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ   Αγαπητά μέλη Το Επιμελητήριο Ηλείας πρόκειται να συμμετάσχει με περίπτερο στην Έκθεση «ALBANIAN BALKANET FESTIVAL» που θα διεξαχθεί στα Τίρανα στις 30-31 Οκτωβρίου 2019 στον Εκθεσιακό χώρο του Αγροτικού Πανεπιστημίου Τιράνων σε συνεργασία με το Εμπορικό και Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο Τιράνων. Η συμμετοχή του Επιμελητήριου Ηλείας πραγματοποιείται στα πλαίσια...
e mërkurë 14 Gsh 2019
Το έργο “BALKANET - Βαλκανικό δίκτυο ιδεών αειφόρου καινοτοµίας στον αγροδιατροφικό τοµέα” υλοποιείται από κοινού από έξι εταίρους οι οποίοι προέρχονται από τρεις χώρες της περιοχής της Βαλκανικής-Μεσογείου (Ελλάδα, Αλβανία, Βουλγαρία) και εστιάζει στην βελτίωση του δυναµικού καινοτοµίας των µικροµεσαίων επιχειρήσεων του αγροδιατροφικού τοµέα, αντιµετωπίζοντας...
e martë 07 Maj 2019
Sektori agro-ushqimor sot
Sektori agro-ushqimor shkon nga faza e prodhimit intensiv në një integrim të plotë të menaxhimit të burimeve natyrore për të mbrojtur burimet ushqimore. Tani prodhimi i ushqimit duhet të jetë një kombinim dhe bashkëveprim i tre faktorëve kryesorë. Ekonomia. Marketingu i të ardhurave tregtare dhe...
e martë 07 Maj 2019
Iniciativa të reja
"Nëpërmjet programit të zgjerimit" "Bankar Kontraktual", banka, siç njoftohet kohët e fundit, po ecën në hapin tjetër me një mbështetje të përgjithshme për zinxhirin e vlerës së sektorit. Syndicate shton financimin si në pjesën e parë të zinxhirit në lidhje me blerjen e fabrikat...
e martë 07 Maj 2019
Rritja e sektorit agro-ushqimor
Sektori agro-ushqimor përfshin 5 degët me shumëzuesin më të lartë në ekonominë greke. Ajo ka perspektiva të mëdha rritjeje, pasi avantazhet e saj ende nuk janë shfrytëzuar plotësisht. Tani është e qartë se sektori primar është gjithashtu çelësi i rritjes, pasi sipas kushteve ajo...
Gjetur 54 rezultate. Faqe 3 nga 3
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Koordinator i Partnerit


The transnational Cooperation Programme
Interreg V-B "Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020"
is co-funded by the European Union (85%)
and National Funds of the participating countries (15%)

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