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Country: Bulgaria
Services Offered: Cultivation of agricultural land and production of fruits and vegetables
Products: Perennials - fruits and nuts, vegetables and einkorn.
Year of Establishment: 2011
Communications Officer: Ruska Baleva Boneva
Contact Phone: +359 899 881 473
Legal form: Ltd.
Level of implementation: raw material and final product
The natural conditions in our region are favorable for the development of fruit growing. 30-40 years ago they occupied a worthy place in agricultural production, but due to migration to cities the plantations were abandoned and destroyed.
The region has a relatively good infrastructure. My farm is 20 km away from the Trakia highway, and the distance to the cities of Nova Zagora, Sliven, Yambol and Stara Zagora is from 20 to 50 km. This is the motive to revive an old industry that produces delicious, Bulgarian organic fruits. A healthy lifestyle is also being educated, and organic production is being established. We also plan to build a workshop for processing and packaging of fruits to add additional value to the raw material.
- Why is it innovative?
My practice, "CREATION AND GROWING OF AN INTENSIVE ORGANIC GARDEN OF PLUMS" is sustainable and innovative. It consists of two aspects - technology of planting and growing and properly selected variety.


Email: info@balkanet.eu


The transnational Cooperation Programme
Interreg V-B "Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020"
is co-funded by the European Union (85%)
and National Funds of the participating countries (15%)

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